Managing Risk
Managing Risk It took me awhile to understand the idea of managing income risk after college. The first couple years of my college career, I cared more about getting by, having a good time, and not spending much time worrying about what my future holds. I was an undeclared major, and didn't make a transfer until junior year. Again, this was because of the lack of time spent thinking about what the best major for my future could be. I took out many loans to pay for tuition and joined a fraternity, both of which I am still in debt for. I applied for a credit card simply so I can spend money on a new pair of speakers for my room, so as to make for a louder and more fun year. It is obvious that I was careless, and thought in the present as opposed to the future. Now, I still need to pay off my debts, and in order to do so, I need to secure a job where I am well-off enough to do so. So, I decided to major in Economics. I am currently a senior, and am still not entire...